Why Enstack empowers entrepreneurs beyond Shopee?

by Enstack | February 12, 2024

For buyers, Shopee has long been the go-to online marketplace. But if you’re an entrepreneur trying to find the perfect platform that offers greater control, faster payouts, and freedom from marketplace limitations, then Enstack is the perfect solution for all your seller worries! The app redefines e-commerce for Filipino entrepreneurs, here’s why:

Your Brand, Your Rules

Shopee prioritizes its own brand, often making your business feel lost in the crowd. Enstack, on the other hand, puts you in control. You can build your own Web Store, branded with your logo and personalized to your customer base. No more blending into the masses; Enstack lets your unique brand shine.

Get Paid, Quick!

When withdrawing your income from Shopee, you can choose to enable automatic withdrawals for once a week (every Tuesday) or once a month (16th of each month), with a fee if you don’t have a SeaBank account.

But, Enstack gets your money to you in just 3-7 days, every Tuesday and Fridays (Up to 7 banking days for credit card payments). This is significantly faster than the Shopee timeframe. This immediate access to your cash flow lets you reinvest in your business, pay suppliers, and keep your entrepreneurial engine running smoothly.

Beyond the Marketplace Maze

Shopee confines you to its marketplace model. Enstack lets you break free. Sell online through your branded stores, offline with the mobile POS system Cashier, and even accept phone orders. This multi-channel approach expands your reach beyond Shopee's limitations, attracting new customers and maximizing your sales potential.

No Hidden Fees, No Drama:

Shopee's commission fees can eat into your profits. Enstack charges absolutely no hidden fees, letting you keep every peso you earn. This transparent pricing model fosters trust and empowers you to focus on growth, not worrying about surprise deductions.

Empowering, Not Exploiting:

Shopee's algorithm often prioritizes larger brands, making it tough for small businesses to compete. Enstack champions fairness and equal opportunity. Its tools and features are designed to level the playing field, giving every entrepreneur a chance to thrive.

What is recommended for entrepreneurs?

Shopee might be familiar, but Enstack offers a future full of possibilities. With faster payouts, greater control, diverse sales channels, and a supportive community, Enstack empowers Filipino entrepreneurs to build successful businesses on their own terms. Ditch the marketplace maze and discover the freedom and potential that awaits on Enstack.

Start for free today and experience the difference: enstack.ph/downloads.

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