✅ Promo period is from Oct 16 - 31, 2024 only.
✅ Only valid and legitimate 5-star reviews submitted within the promo period will be considered. The user's Enstack account must be at least the Starter tier to claim the reward.
✅ Review usernames & reviews must not contain any sexual or degredatory language.
✅ Only one valid review per Google Play / App Store / AppGallery account will be considered.✅ Your screenshot must include your successfully submitted rate & review of the Enstack app.
✅ Enstack, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse and withdraw the awarding of rewards for suspicion of abuse, non-compliance, and/or fraud.
✅ Users who have been determined to have fraudulent or abusive behavior in either past or ongoing promos or programs may be disqualified from this promo without prior notice.